Our showers, toilets, waste disposal, lifejacket lockers and water are available to visiting yachtsmen from the 1st April to 31st October each year.
Showers and Toilets
There are two shower rooms situated at the Harbour Office for visiting yachtsmen. They are open 24 hours a day and offer shower and toilet facilities. They are accessed with an entry code which can be obtained when you pay your visitor dues and then a pound coin is used to provide electricity for approximately 3 minutes. This can be topped up during use. Please use the facilities ashore in preference to those on board as we do not have a pump out facility. If you have a black water tank please use that and only discharge it when you are well offshore.The water quality in the river is very important to us.
Garbage waste
There are waste bins provided at the Harbour Office for use by visiting yachtsmen. Please separate glass from your rubbish as this can be recycled. Currently there are no other recycling facilities so if possible, we ask visiting yachtsmen to retain other dry recyclables for disposal at points where this facility is available.
There is no fuel or gas available in Newton Ferrers or Noss Mayo. The nearest fuel station, which also sells gas, is in Yealmpton which is about 4 miles away. The nearest alongside berth for fuel is in Plymouth
There is a tap on the Yealm Steps pontoon that vessels may use to fill their water tank. Minimum depth of 1.5m LAT. To comply with local Bye laws this is fed from a break- pressure tank and therefore cannot be deemed as potable water. Water direct from the mains can be obtained from a tap at the bottom of the steps but this is only suitable for small containers.
Should you need to carry out maintenance on your boat whilst you are staying in the river please contact the Harbour Office for advice. There are options available for alongside drying berths depending on what work is needed. There is no lift out facility in the river. Power and water are available at Bridgend Quay which is at the head of Newton Creek. Power is provided via a prepaid meter facility and cards can be obtained from the Harbour Office.
Temporary Mooring
Visitors wishing to embark stores or pick up crew can do so from Yealm Steps pontoon where you can stay for up to 20 minutes.

Water taxis and river trips
A local boatman offers an independent and limited water taxi service between 1st April and 30th September. The boatman also maintains the continuity of the South Devon Coast Path by running a triangular ferry service between Wembury Point, Yealm Steps and Wide Slip.
Operating Times are daily 1000 – 1600 although the service may be restricted to 1000 – 1200 1400 – 1600 on weekdays and outside school holidays or during bad weather. Evening service by prior arrangement. Contact 07817 132757
Electric Water Taxi
To complement the local ferry service, Yealm Community Electric Transport ( a not for Profit organisation ) provide a Ferry and Water Taxi service outside of these times ( i.e. before 10am and after 4pm until dusk on demand ), along with river trips and Water Taxi services to Yachts moored within the Yealm. Find out more on https://www.ycet.co.uk/ or follow us on Facebook.
Electric Water Taxi operating times are daily 8:00 to 10:00 and 16:00 until dusk. River Trips between 10:00 and 16:00. To book either phone 07399 067942, call on VHF 69 or email.
RNLI Life-jacket lockers
These are available for use and are free of charge. The 12 lockers are located at the Harbour Office. You will need £1 to use the locker which is refunded when you return the key and open the locker.
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