Bridgend and Popes Quay
Residents may pre-book Bridgend Quay face and Popes Quay, north or south side, to allow them to carry out maintenance to their vessel. Power and water are available at Bridgend. Power is via a prepaid card which is available from the Harbour Office. The first two days are free, thereafter a charge of £0.30/foot/day will be made. Please contact the Harbour Office to book.
The beach on the east side of Bridgend can also be used for two days free of charge after this period £0.30/foot/day and must be pre booked. However long-term stay will be charged at £100/month.
The west side is free provided it is pre-booked. Please contact the Harbour Office to book.
As part of the annual re-licensing of moorings, residents must confirm that adequate maintenance will be carried out on their mooring annually. This is part of the terms and conditions that residents sign up to when they accept the offer of a mooring in the Harbour Authority area. Failure to comply with this requirement can result in a mooring being reallocated.
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